Friday, July 25, 2008

New roof = new dilemmas

Decisions regarding long term commitments await in my future - two things I could not be more scared of. So here it is: I got to thinking that IF we get the go-ahead for a new roof, we will probably start that project immediately; which is a great thing. The problem comes in when I start thinking about "What color roof do I choose?". This is a huge decision because I still haven't decided what colors to paint the house yet.

I realize that this "What color do I paint my house?" post has been done to death but I truly am quite clueless when it comes to this decision and what's even funnier is that I have no fear of paint and color when it comes to the interior of my house. But the exterior color is something I have thought about for two years now and am sad to say I have come to no sort of conclusion. I have looked over a number of pictures on various blogs and on Flickr and all that has created is more confusion. I absolutely love the greens that I have seen on some of the homes but I am terrified it will be far too much on the vastness that is the front of my house and in addition to that, I don't know what greens will look like on a stucco facade. So, here is my second option...possibly...maybe (now that I am looking at it on the computer, I don't think I like it):In real life, the "body color" seems a lot more mustardy gold than the pinky/peach it is showing up as above and the "column color" is a lot more creamy and a lot less white. And just to note: my windows, unfortunately, are the vinyl ones so I can't paint them; they are white...forever.

Anyway, if I did go with this color palette (or even something similar), these are the roof shingles I was thinking of using.


Unknown said...

Go one shade lighter (so the roof doesn't heat quite so much in summer), but either that or what you showed would look fine.

Amalie said...

Welcome to my world.

I thought a grey roof would open up so many doors closed by the former green roof...It's only meant harder decisions! If I'd had it to do over, I think I'd have chosen a more neutral-- mostly grey with some beige flecked in.

Ah well. Live and learn. It'll look good anyway, especially if we can find a convincing brick color. I'm just so neurotic that I can't stop obsessing!

Melinda said...

Gene - thanks for the tip on the lighter shade; I am so worried about what it will look like that I didn't even think about the scorching Oklahoma summers.

Amalie - I hate your world - mainly because I too am OCD! Does the madness ever stop? I so don't want to look back and think I should've have gone with a different color...but chances are - I will. As for your brick color - weren't you thinking a red? I seem to remember really liking it. Are you too having second thoughts?

Amalie said...

Yeah, we're going with a brick red. We had to just make the decision and be done. I've momentarily moved on to obsessing about cabinets. However, I'll refocus on the painting as we get a little closer to actually doing hte job...

A little ADD to go with my OCD!

Melinda said...

Amalie - We are going to be good friends...too much in common not to be. My house screams ADD as well; however I like to view it more as creative genious : ) Five million projects started and not one finished; but when they are completed it will be spectacular...or I am going to wish I did five million things differently.

Pat said...

Melinda, i just finished looking at your pictures on Flicker. You should be MORE than proud at all you have accomplished. It looks beautiful, you have done a great job. I know it looks like it will take forever but your list of accomplishments is impressive.

Ma Morton