Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Deciding on the undecided

My computer is experiencing technical difficulties so I am having to post this from my old, slow clunker of a computer. However, I know many of you were curious as to our final decisions regarding the porch, the paint and the roof shingles.

Because I am a moron, I already sent back the shingle samples before scanning them but we have decided to go with a brown similar to but slightly lighter than the one I previously posted I believe its called Barkwood; but don't hold me to that.

As for the paint choices...we still haven't come to a definite decision (shocker, I know); but, we do know we are going to go with the Sherwin Williams Exterior Color Preservation Palette from the Arts and Crafts line. We, okay I, really like the Bunglehouse Gray(left). On line it looks really gray but on the card samples it has a little green tint to it. My husband really likes the Weathered Shingle (right) color but I think it might be too dark (unless we do all trim, windows and all, in a white).

So anyway, one of those will probably serve as the body color. For the trim around the windows we are thinking about either the Roycroft Bottle Green (left) or the Roycroft Bronze Green (right).

As an accent color we have narrowed it down to the Roycroft Copper Red or the Aurora Brown (which really looks more like a dark rust red in some lights) and for the rest of the trim (such as the dormers and brackets) a creamy white of some sort.

The front porch decision: It was a hard one; but we have decided to go ahead and add one! I am visualizing lazy days (if we ever get to that point) spent sitting on my front porch sipping lemonade. My husband, on the other hand, is seeing dollar signs and realizing that early retirement may be highly overrated.


Amalie said...

Congrats on the porch decision!

One word of advice on the SW paint...We cheaped out and bought their Classic 99, and regretted it; it was really thin. If I use SW again, I'll use one of their nicer lines.

We're repainting our house soon-- I'm excited to see how yours turns out!

Melinda said...

Thanks for the advice on the paint. As for seeing how ours turns out...I am sure yours will be done long before I ever make the FINAL decision on colors.

The McDowells said...

Hi again Melinda,
I was looking through your house blog and am really impressed with what you guys are doing to it! I think that would be fun to do if Seth and I were the least bit handy.